Gold Zodiac symbol ring.
Zodiac constellations help in representing the course of the sun through the whole year or the calendar. All zodiacs are constellations, but all constellations are not zodiac constellations.
With this ring, you can wear your zodiac sign proudly covered.
You can order this ring plain or with any zodiac constellation.
All zodiac signs are available!
Perfect for a surprise gift or birthday gift.
- Solid gold 9k,14k,18k,(hallmarked accordingly 375,585,750)
- The engraving surface is 10×11 mm and the band is 1,6mm
- Around 2,5 grams in 14k (depending on the ring size).
- All constellations are available.
- Any engraving: letter, number, symbol.
- All our jewels arrive carefully packaged in a gift box ready for gift-giving
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